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Subscription Information

 Winter Tulip Subscription sales are now live!

Bouquet Subscriptions are available for pick up on the farm east of Hagerstown.

 Our tulips come wrapped in paper in a quart mason jar for transport. Check out our blog for pictures of the tulips from 2024. 

The tulip subscription will be just like our seasonal CSA bouquet subscriptions. We will label each tulip bouquet with the owner's name and you will take them out of a bucket at the pickup location you choose. The pickup day will be on Fridays from 12pm noon to 7pm.


If you are purchasing this subscription as a gift, please include the recipients name and email address in the 'add a note' section at checkout and be sure to let them know they will be receiving pick up reminders from us. 


We are also offering an optional upgrade for Valentines Day for $30 which will mean you are getting a much more lush bouquet of tulips with way more stems, including a few other specialty stems like pussy willow or eucalyptus. 


You will receive and email confirmation upon purchase as well as future emails regarding pick up each week.

Through the purchase of subscription, you (and any recipient of the subscription) are agreeing to our subscription terms and conditions.

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Flower Subscription Terms and Conditions

We as your flower farmers agree to work hard to grow a wonderful selection of specialty tulips with tender loving care. We will continue to farm sustainably, and agree not to use harmful chemicals or pesticides in the growing of your flowers. We will watch the weather and make every attempt to have flowers available when promised.


We will send out an email each week reminding you of the pick up date and keeping you informed of what to expect in the bouquets as well as other information regarding the farm--please be sure that our email is in your contacts.


If an emergency arises which might necessitate a cancellation on our part (for instance in the event of a severe weather event) we will contact you as soon as possible. We promise that we will not sell or share your information with outside parties.

By purchasing a Bouquet Subscription for

yourself or as a gift you agree to:

Payment, which once remitted, is nonrefundable. Members may find another person to buy or take their membership, but are responsible for informing Cool Hollow Flower Farm of the change in ownership.

Pick up-- Members must pick up their bouquets during the time agreed upon. Flowers which remain at the end of the day will become the property Cool Hollow Flower Farm, which will make a decision about what to do with the bouquet. No credit is given for flowers which are not picked up. Please inform us one week before the date in question if you will be out of town so we can decide together how best to handle your particular situation. 

Inform Cool Hollow Flowers of your email, or the email of the recipient if the purchase is a gift, so that weekly reminders and information, as well as any emergency notifications, may be communicated.

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