Last spring five flower farmer friends formed the Rock and River Flower Collective and my farm is a part of this group. We had a whirlwind first year and are now well into our second year selling to event designers and florists all over Maryland, southern PA, Northern Virginia, West Virginia and Washington, D.C. We are so grateful to all the fabulous people who have found us and purchased from us. We love growing the local flower movement and working with each other.

The farms in the collective are:

We met and worked together informally for a couple years before deciding to form a group that would consolidate the availability from all of our farms into one online store that makes purchasing much easier for our customers and provides a wider variety of flowers than any one of us provides. The amount of flowers that we have sent out has amazed even us.

If you are interested in purchasing from us here's some info:
~we sell wholesale to designers and florists with a sales and use/tax certificate
~we deliver every Wednesday and have several set delivery routes. If you are interested in buying from us please let us know where you are and inquire about whether we can deliver to you. If delivery is not an option we encourage pick-up at one of our five farms. Pick-up is usually available later on Wednesdays, after all the deliveries have been made.
~we take pre-orders for events and love to have these on our calendar with a month lead time, but ask for at least two weeks notice.
~we meet every week to discuss how crops are coming along and look at pre-orders to be sure we will be able to meet your requests and will keep you up to date.
~an email goes out every Monday morning with info about the store for that week.
~our store opens every Monday at 10am and is open through Friday evening. The store is closed Saturday and Sunday. Orders placed are delivered the following week.
~we are currently not taking any new members (maybe someday, but we aren't ready to take this step yet).

Please email us at with your tax certificate and a little intro, including how many events you tend to have per year and what flowers you are especially looking for (if you know). We'll get back to you and put you on our weekly email list.

We are still a new group and are continually expanding our customer base. Please feel free to contact us with questions. We are here to help!